–I’d first of all like to give a shout out to Matthew & Seun for inspiring me to spend this season of my life catching up on blogging lol…love you guys ||| Also sending a special birthday shout out to the wonderful C. Harris love you woman!– OK…Pride in Christianity? I know a lot of…
Category: God
When God SEEMS Like a Liar
(Written from my blackberry device) I hope at whatever time you read this it will encourage you. Luke 1 – The story of Zacharias and Elisabeth. Most of us have either read this story in relation to the righteousness of the couple or the birth of Jesus, but never in relation to the faithfulness of…
Blinded by Frustration
As we grow we learn, and as we learn we grow. The two are intertwined and cannot be separated. The absence of one, or both, causes stagnation. You may be thinking “but some people grow but aren’t learning”, truth is they ARE learning, they are just not applying what they’ve learned. A while ago I…
Fat People In The Bible
OK…this might be another “offense-causer”…almost didn’t write this… So I’m still in 1 Sam and today I’m reading chapter 4:12-18. I have been reading the bible for as long as I can remember, probably even had it read to me while in the womb, but I’ve never read anywhere in the bible about anyone being…
We Are ONLY Human…
ONLY! Only is the key word. ONLY human… This isn’t going to be a “easy read” blog. I was going to start off by apologizing for blogging so much of recent, but I thought no. Why should I apologize for sharing the Word and wanting you guys to be blessed? So it’s Saturday morning and…
I’m so selfish…
This one cuts me deep. The other day I was on my way to work; I had roughly 10 minutes to get there and I was only round the corner. I came to a pedestrian stop and there was a blind lady on the other side of the road waiting to cross also. The green…
Blah, Blah, Blah
OK, I’m blogging from my blackberry so excuse any mistakes 🙂 I’m studying 1 Samuel at the moment, and I must say, it is quite a lot! Today’s excerpt is from 1 Sam. 1:13-17 (NKJV) 13 Now Hannah spoke in her heart; only her lips moved, but her voice was not heard. Therefore Eli thought…
No Child Ever Died From Crying
Good to be back blogging, i’ve been on a break due to exams…. OK, where do I start this? God allows things to happen for the strangest reasons…it’s so funny and frustrating though because while in it, we feel so helpless and get so caught up in every emotion running through our heads, and trying…
“At Your Age, You Should Be…”
As people, we suffer from “shoulda-coulda- woulda-syndrome”; we look back 10 years and be like at that stage, I “should have” or “could have” or “would have”…OK…you are here now! what are you going to do about it?
“Gimmie Some O’ Dat Power”…
Everyone wants power…everyone wants to feel powerful….every (or most) Christians longs for that “Acts” power: the casting out of demons, the laying on of hands, the signs and miracles, the prophecy, the tongues, the evangelical anointing, the grace to just DO MORE for His kingdom but how many of us are ready to do what it…